Project |01
Biology |Scaled Timeline
With Nia Brown and Michelle Luo, we created a to scale timeline of the earth's history through the biological lens. Shown here is a small sample of the timeline, which in person spanned almost an entire wall of the biology classroom. This put into perspective for us the short existence of the Homo genus and allowed us to think on our impact on the planet on a greater scale.
English |Essay on living deliberately
After a week of a living deliberately experiment in junior year, modeled after Thoreau's Walden experiment, I reflected on the endeavor. While Walden may have been a dishonest work, giving up luxuries to somewhat follow Thoreau's footsteps allowed me time and space to notice the beautiful things in life. After reading the work of transcendentalists, I was more capable of comprehending philosophical thought. While I do not currently believe "the good life" is as cleanly cut as I thought back then, it was an early exposure to formal self reflection.
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Digital Music |Groove
A very short and pehaps slightly offbeat composition, it took a lot of hard work on the part of my ninth grade self to learn to navigate the softwares and equipment put into creating this song. I am able to read sheet music and play the piano and trombone, but using a computer to compose this piece and an electronic piano with a limited range was a totally new experience. Because of this class, my appreciation for movie soundtracks increased greatly, and my love for music deepened.
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Project |02
Project |03
EXCERPT: "My Parents Live in California, I Live in the Moment"
It's become clear to me that to lead the good life, one must first be confident within themselves that their own idea of it is what they truly desire, and is not just a norm that society expects them to follow. Only when we are fully confident in our own desires can we chase them to our heart's content. It was difficult for me to definitively articulate my interpretation of the good life, which made it even more challenging for me to think about the future. I thought that I needed materialistic possessions to lead a truly good life, but after living simply by distancing myself from social media and magazines, I started to rethink the role possessions truly had in my vision of the good life. Before the experiment, I wanted to live a busy, fast life, and be rewarded with things. Of course, I didn't necessarily value possessions over people, but looking back now, I'm fairly surprised by how important I thought things like clothes were. Reading the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a prominent figure in the transcendentalist movement, helped me realize that even though the media of society has instilled within me a certain greed to consume, it doesn't have to be what I truly want.
English 1B |Final Essay
To the left is an excerpt from a ten page essay on the implications of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein on the theme of monstrosity, this was my final for the English 1B course I took before senior year. The class allowed me to utilize sources from academic journals throughout its duration, and opened my mind to different systems in our society. Common themes discussed in the class include literary norms, social systems, metacognition, and various forms oppression. It encouraged me not only to question society, but also myself.
The title is a reference to a line from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice delivered by Portia, "Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?"
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Project |04
EXCERPT: "Which is the Human Here, and Which the Monster?"
Many have said that the Creature is not the first hybrid by referring to the Minotaur of Greek mythology. The Minotaur was created by manipulating a bull to desire and satisfy Pasiphae, King Minos’ wife. Yet, Daedalus, the Minotaur’s creator is also seen as a monster by scholars (Lestel 261). Society’s fascination with monsters began long ago, yet it is still present and thriving. The vampire phenomenon that is currently sweeping through the world (e.g. television show True Blood) caused a backlash from many. Fans of the classic monster claimed that vampires are meant to be terrifying and horrific, but the mobility authors like Stephanie Meyers have with these monsters is because they are human.
Pop culture’s most popular monsters include ghosts, vampires, zombies, and werewolves. Interestingly, they are portrayed with human features, and are not used only in the horror and science fiction genres. Ghosts are seen as friends in the franchise Casper the Friendly Ghost, and a vampire even appears on Sesame Street for children. Frankenstein effectively shows that humanity’s monsters are not different from humanity itself. Humans are not different from monsters. Culture’s different fears create monsters to ease discussion, distancing people from these beings. Victor Frankenstein and the Creature are both shown as monsters because they both commit crimes against society’s norms, and parallel each other in many ways. Monsters mirror humanity’s tendency to be grotesque. All humans are monsters, just as those who we perceive as monsters are humans.